Work is Nearly Complete on the Empire State Building’s Crown Renovation

Work is Nearly Complete on the Empire State Building’s Crown Renovation

There’s no doubt that the Empire State Building is one of NYC’s most iconic landmarks. It’s regularly featured in New York construction news, and announcements of its latest renovation project are no exception.

Tech Plus Discusses The Agenda For Their Upcoming Digital Conference

Tech Plus Discusses The Agenda For Their Upcoming Digital Conference

On October 22, 2020, Tech Plus will hold their digital conference focusing on the role of technology in project design and construction sustainability. The conference promises to be a font of important information at the forefront of the construction and design industry.

Planning Real Estate Development in New York City?

Planning Real Estate Development in New York City?

Construction Guide is active in real estate development in New York City. We make it our mission to ensure real estate developers planning developments are matched with the highest quality architects and contractors who can help to make their vision a reality.

Renovation in New York City

Renovation in New York City

Renovation in New York City is a big market. There are some amazing buildings here that can benefit from the right level of updating to make them truly shine. Luckily, Construction Guide helps to make the early stages of a renovation project easier than ever before.

The Latest Developments on St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in NYC

The Latest Developments on St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in NYC

Builders of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church have recently reached an important milestone in construction. In early September, they topped out the church, located in the Financial District. Although no official completion date has been announced, it won’t be too long before things are finished.

Frank Gehry Reflects On His Design Of The Eisenhower Memorial

Frank Gehry Reflects On His Design Of The Eisenhower Memorial

On September 17, 2020, the Eisenhower Memorial was dedicated after 21 years of design and building. After being postponed from May due to the COVID-19 pandemic, its dedication marked an important day for Washington DC, and the wider country.